Active Teams
Basebuilding / Sustaining Team: Coordinating chapter orientations, outreach efforts, and providing other education (book clubs, workshops etc)
Mobilization Team: Coordinating logistics of direct solidary work (including campaigns, speaking at city council, fundraising for BIPOC partners as requested etc)
Communications Team: Coordinates social media, website, and editing work, as well as maintaining the SURJ Northland email and Facebook communications.
Racial Justice Cohort Team: Facilitates SURJ anti-racist cohorts - membership on this team is based on participation in a cohort which is limited. Watch our emails for information about upcoming cohort opportunities.
Coordinating Team: Made up of 2-3 Member Leaders from each of the other teams listed above.
Interested in joining a team?
First, you’ll have to attend orientation. Click HERE to go to our calendar and sign up for the next one that’s scheduled.
Already attended an orientation? Great! Fill out THIS FORM to let us know where you’d like to plug in.